Hospital Outreach & Prayer
We love serving through acts of care and compassion, whether it is visiting the sick in hospitals or in their homes or giving a simple phone call to check in with others.We also make ourselves available to minister to individuals through counseling or helping with the Soultrack sessions.
Soup Kitchen
On Friday mornings we invite the homeless to our church in order to give them some food, clothing and love. We love serving the these largely unseen and forgotten people as Jesus admonishes us to. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Zelna directly on 082 331 8219.
Helping Hands
We provide food parcels for those in need in our church and surrounding areas. We help purchase and package the parcels to be collected and we work very closely with the church staff, to also do fund raisers and collections of certain items that are needed (eg. blankets during the winter months).
Galatians 6:2 tells us to, “Bear one another’s burdens”. Henk & Sandra Barnard heads up our counseling department and with years of experience behind them, they offers a safe space for you to come and share some of your personal struggles and challenges. Come experience freedom, relief and peace.
God is faithful.

Grief Share
No one likes to feel pain, and though some say that time heals all wounds that is not always the case. But God is faithful to heal and He can use time and other people to help bring the healing you so desperately want. Don’t walk through your grief alone – come and join a group where everyone understands what you are going through and you can be encouraged as you all navigate loss and pain together, while striving towards your healing.